Life Insurance Providers
Life Insurance Providers
Bandwidth for single premium pension and investment commissions – maximum 5% initial commission with minimum 1.5% of the total amount invested. Chief influencing factors as follows:
– client age
– single premium amount
– time horizon
– complexity of underlying structure
Trail commission is set at maximum 0.25% for all single and regular premium pension and investment contracts.
With regard to life insurance, serious illness, income protection and company & self employed insurance products we have a maximum commission of 200% of the total first years premium amount. 100% is paid as initial commission with 12.5% in annual bullet commissions over the following 8 years.
Click on the Insurance Provider listed above to see its commission and clawback structure.
M&E Curtin Financial Services Ltd t/a MC Financial
Office address
1 Sorrel Heath
Dublin 15
Telephone: 01 822 8022