Pension Term Assurance
What is pension term assurance?
Life cover with tax relief on premiums paid – in the same way as it is available on pension contributions.
Who is pension term assurance for?
Anyone who is looking for life cover up to their retirement age
Pension term assurance benefits
- Pays a lump sum if you die
- Tax relief on life insurance premiums (up to revenue limits)
- Life cover at a very reasonable price
Get in touch…
So if you’re located in Dublin or the greater Dublin area and are in need of professional and reliable Pension Term Assurance advice, don’t delay; contact our Life Cover expert Conor today on 01-8228022, or on 087 1267357
Warning: If you do not keep up your repayments, you may lose your home. Warning: You may have to pay charges if you pay off a fixed-rate loan early.
Get In Touch
Would you like to talk to someone you can trust, who will give you the best options based on your circumstances? If so, contact MC Financial today on 01-8228022, or call us anytime on 087 9321882