Tenant Home Purchase Scheme


What is the Tenant Home Purchase Scheme?


The Tenant Home Purchase Scheme is an extension of the First Home Scheme. It expands the FHS so you qualify if your landlord is selling the property you are renting and you want to buy it.

The Tenant Home Purchase Scheme is slightly different to the FHS because you can buy a second-hand home (your rental home) and the FHS is only available for new homes. This also means you will not qualify for the Help to Buy Scheme, which only applies to new homes.

You must have a valid notice of termination to qualify for the Tenant Home Purchase Scheme. You must send a copy of this and your mortgage approval in principle when you apply.

Apart from these minor differences, all the other requirements and qualification criteria for the FHS apply to the Tenant Home Purchase Scheme.


How to Apply?

You apply for the Tenant Home Purchase Scheme online on the First Home Scheme website. You can find more information about the Tenant Home Purchase Scheme on firsthomescheme.ie.

Get In Touch to Learn More

Would you like to talk to someone you can trust, who will give you the best options based on your circumstances? If so, contact MC Financial today on 01-8228022, michael@mcfinancial.ie or call MC Financial anytime on 0879321882


Click here to download our First Home Scheme Brochure


Warning: If you do not keep up your repayments, you may lose your home. Warning: You may have to pay charges if you pay off a fixed-rate loan early.

Get In Touch

Would you like to talk to someone you can trust, who will give you the best options based on your circumstances? If so, contact MC Financial today on 01-8228022, michael@mcfinancial.ie or call us anytime on 087 9321882


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